Thursday, July 27, 2023

Y=∫12x^2 ( x^3+2)dx. Determine this integrals

 Y=∫12x^2 ( x^3+2)dx. Determine this integrals    


Y=∫7x^2 ( x^3+3)dx determine this intregation



Determine the following integrals a)∫3.5 dx b)∫4x^3 dx. C)∫x^(2/3) dx

 Determine the following integrals 

a)∫3.5 dx 

 b)∫4x^3 dx.

 C)∫x^(2/3) dx.             




Saturday, July 22, 2023

Different types Of Unemployment


Different types of Unemployment?

  1. Cyclical Unemployment: unemployment is associated with the business cycle. It is a temporary shock to the economy. If there is a downturn in business then the cyclical unemployment occurs.
  2. Frictional Unemployment :Frictional Unemployment result in temporary unemployment. The condition that arises when someone leaves his current job in the hope of better job.
  3. Structural Unemployment:Structural unemployment creates a  permanent problem in the economy. The unemployment that is created as a result of Technological is created as a result of Technological development is structural unemployment.Structural  unemployment is caused by the fact that companies do not need more people to do their jobs due to technological advancements and have many employees who can not adapt to the technology.
  4. Hidden Unemployment : Hidden Unemployment occurs when they are not included in the labour market.They do not consider themselves fit for work and do not find any work but they are willing to work when given the opportunity.
  5. Seasonal Unemployment:They are seasonal and occur during the off seasons. For example, in agriculture people can go jobless after the harvest .In tourism, tour guides may be jobless are  as the tourist activity drops after the peak season.

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Friday, July 21, 2023

What are the Causes Of Unemployment?


Causes Of Unemployment 


There are various Cause Of Unemployment.Such As: 

  1. High Interest rates:The cost of borrowing  increases due to the increase in bank interest rates .Companies unable to bear at the increased debt cut their employee's salaries or laid  them off. As a ,result employees may become Unemployed.
  2. Population Increases:When the preparation of the country increases the number of people who need jobs in that country increases ,but the number of unemployment also increases due to the fact that it is not possible to employ all the population of the country.
  3. Technological Advancement and lack of Skills:Companies want to use advanced technology to reduce their human resource recruitment costs and they want to get more benefits from using advanced technology .many times it is seen that the employees cannot adapt themselves to the advanced technology.
4.Underdeveloped labor market:This case mostly applies to developing countries. People of this country usually work like fishing farming and hunting.

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What is Unemployment Rate??

 Unemployment Rate?

The unemployment rate is defined as the Proportion of the labour force who are unemployed. Adjusted for the proportion of total time they are unemployed.



Where,TU=total number of people who unemployment

TE=Total number of people who are Employed

LF= Labour Force

t= t is the proportion of time the unemployed are on average out of work.

The ratio of U is usually expressed as a percentage.

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Monday, July 17, 2023

What is Unemployment??

 What is Unemployment?

Unemployment refers to a situation when someone is actively looking for work and is able to work but is unable to find any work, it is called unemployment. To be unemployed, he must be in the labor force and actively looking for work.

For Example,If a student is looking for a job after completing his studies but if he does not find any suitable job then he will be considered as unemployed.But a mother who quits her job to take care of her child and someone who goes abroad for higher education is not considered unemployed.

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Sunday, July 9, 2023

What is Budget Deficit??

 Tax is the income of the government The money that the government earns through tax is the revenue of the government

Government spending is the money that the government spends behind the people.

When the expenditure of the government is more than the income of the government i.e. more than the money that the government is earning through tax, if the government spends on the people then it is called Budget Deficit

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Saturday, July 8, 2023

Pdf of commodity, labour, bond, money, foreign exchange market

pdf of market 

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What is GDP and three method of GDP

GDP and there method of GDP

GDP:Gross Domestic product is the market value of all the final goods and services produced whithin a country in a given period of time.

Expenditure method:The expenditure method is a system for calculating gross domestic product (GDP) that combines consumption, investment, government spending, and net exports. It is the most common way to estimate GDP.

Income Method:As per this method, all the incomes that accrue to factors of production by way of wages, profits rent, interest, etc.
Product Method:Product method is also known as output method or value added method. In this method, we calculate the national income in terms of final goods and services produced in an economy during a particular period of time.

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Primitive Communal Economy


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Pdf of Equilibrium of the consumer

 Equilibrium of the consumer 

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The Walras' law states that if there are n distinct market's in the economy, and n-1 markets are in equilibrium then the remaining nth market must also be in equilibrium.

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